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Hinton, Alberta

Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Our goal is to develop, maintain and promote the best possible mountain biking opportunities around the Hinton area, while ensuring responsible and safe practices in environmental conservation, trail construction, trail maintenance and riding.

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Filtering by Tag: Trees

Leave Trees Standing

Bike Hinton

It has been brought to our attention by some of our members that someone has been cutting down trees along some of the HMBA trails. Although folks might think they are doing the right thing and helping maintain the trails or making riding them easier, please refrain from cutting down any standing trees.

Our ability as an organization to keep using these trails and bringing an unreal riding experience to Hinton is based on preserving the forest and minimizing our impact on our natural surroundings as much as possible. If you feel the need to cut down trees or do some work on trails, stand by! We will be announcing a work bee soon where there will be no shortage of work.

If you have any questions regarding the trails or if you see an issue or dangerous trees please send us a note and we can always come and take a look.

Thanks everyone! Get out and ride!