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Hinton, Alberta

Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Our goal is to develop, maintain and promote the best possible mountain biking opportunities around the Hinton area, while ensuring responsible and safe practices in environmental conservation, trail construction, trail maintenance and riding.

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Membership Sponsor Errata


Hey Folks,

If you prick HMBA with a needle, will it not bleed?!?! Yes, HMBA is only human; HMBA makes mistakes. But HMBA will always do its best to make up for any mistakes made! Therefore:

HMBA humbly apologizes for making a mistake on it's [still awesome] membership discount card. For Bike Boy's excellent services we mistakenly put down 15% when it should have been 10%. We apologize to Bike Boy ( Scott Mantai ) for our error.

Scott has always been such an amazing supporter of HMBA and we are thankful for every % he gives us!

Posted on facebook May 15, 2014 by Jan Vassbotn, HMBA President