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Hinton, Alberta

Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Our goal is to develop, maintain and promote the best possible mountain biking opportunities around the Hinton area, while ensuring responsible and safe practices in environmental conservation, trail construction, trail maintenance and riding.

Blog Posts


Pembina Pipeline Corp donates to HMBA

Bike Hinton

A huge thank you to Pembina Pipeline Corp. who has donated $15,000 to the Hinton Mountain Bike Association. Today, Clint Walker presented a cheque to Suzanne, HMBA Operations. HMBA is currently fundraising and applying for grants to expand the trail system on the Bighorn Ridge.

Trail building on the Bighorn Ridge started in 2018. Find out more here!


Visitors can view Hinton Bike Park conditions online!

Bike Hinton

Morad Communications Ltd. has donated equipment and their time in helping (and a HUGE help at that!) HMBA get setup with a Bike Park Camera. The camera points towards the Skills Area and is meant to show what current bike park conditions are at. The web link below also shows current weather conditions and sunrise/sunset conditions - to help visitors plan their visit.

We are also limited by sunlight -> our power source! No sunlight = no power = camera is off.


Fall Group Rides - Info

Bike Hinton

Wednesday Group Rides

NEW! Wednesday Group Rides will continue with the 7:00pm start time into October (maybe later!). However, with diminishing daylight hours, we highly recommend that you bring bike lights for the ride.

Monday Ladies Group Rides

Monday Ladies Group Rides will start earlier in September. September 2nd and 9th, start time will be 6:30pm. If there is interest, September 16 and 23rd will start at 6:00pm.


Call for volunteers


Hinton Bike Park Deadfall Cleanup

Over the past winter, a lot of deadfall was cut along Jodoin’s Journey and the Pembina Sprockids Trail at the Hinton Bike Park last winter. We are looking for volunteers to help carry out the cut and stacked deadfall.

Date and times: Friday May 24th at 10:00am or Saturday May 25th at 10:00am.

If a minimum of 3 volunteers are available for one or both of those days, the work should take approximately 1 hour to complete.

If you are available to help out, please contact Bill or Maureen at 780-865-3346 so they have an idea of how many to expect. 

Please dress for the weather and wear appropriate footwear :) Bring work gloves if you have them!


Trails and Bike Park Not Ready Yet


It’s Spring Thaw conditions at the Hinton Bike Park. Some extra signage and tape are in place to remind users to stay out of the park until conditions improve... a lot. If your tires or footprints leave a trace - move to a dryer place 🙂. Town trails? Paved trails? Thanks for everyone’s cooperation in keeping this Hinton gem in tip top shape. Spread the word!


Trail Guardian Appreciation

Bike Hinton

An HMBA Trail Guardian Appreciation gift was recently presented to Kerri and Hal Jackson. Kerri, Hal and their two dogs, Jacquie and Darcy, have done a lot of work on our trails clearing downed trees. Their efforts are truly appreciated!! Thank you!

Kudos to their two active dogs who keep their owners just as active and motivated :) 

#bikehinton #hmbatrailguardians


Thank You to our 2019 Hinton Growler Sponsors

Bike Hinton

The Hinton Mountain Bike Association would like to send a big THANK YOU to all our sponsors and supporters of the 2019 Hinton Growler:

AFD Petroleum Ltd: $750 to help cover the costs of event insurance, timing, and awards
Vicious Cycle Hinton (Jasper/Hinton): Provided on-site support, demos, and donated prizes
Morad Communications Ltd. (Hinton): donated the use of 10 two-way radios
Maximum Work Gear (Hinton): donated hand and toe warmers for our volunteers
Town of Hinton: Allowing the event to be part of the Hinton Winter Magic and the use of three event tents.
Folding Mountain Brewing (Hinton): provided coffee and hot chocolate
Hinton Wealth Planning of Assante Financial Management Ltd. (Hinton): $100 to cover cost of discounted subs from Subway, all the snacks, and various event supplies
Bike Boy (Hinton): prize donations
The Bench Bike Shop (Jasper): prize donations
Jasper Source For Sports: prize donations
Riderz (Edson): prize donations
Sports Experts - Hinton, AB: prize donations
Wooden You Love (Edson): prize donations
Helmig Fire & Safety Equipment Sign Shop (Hinton): donated stickers (from 2018)
HMBA: jerseys for prizes
Volunteers: for their time and cheering!
Mike Langford: for his excellent grooming and course prep!


Trails Groomed for the Hinton Growler

Bike Hinton

Mike has been grooming after the past two days of snow, Growler course is packed and setting up nicely for next weekend's race. Race route has changed this yearr to incorporate 95% of the Hinton Bike Park, it’s fast n fun, I guarantee no hike a bike for the race! Get out & ride it! Also groomed just get there, Cleos, & Happy west.
Regular mountain bikes and hikers please avoid the Hinton Growler groomed trails, this will help us preserve the race course for race day.
Thank You

Winter Grooming 2019.jpg